Securing Docker Containers with sVirt and Trusted Sources

Securing Docker Containers with sVirt and Trusted Sources

Background As has been stated before, Docker containers do not contain all of the parts of the operating system necessary to be considered secure. That said, the advantages of using them is so compelling that many companies, large and small, have began to investigate how to run containers in a production environment. I would argue

Core Builds in the Age of Service

Core Builds in the Age of Service

Background As legacy applications are redesigned for the cloud, they are converted to run in a stateless manner. In newly designed applications, data flows between application code, messaging infrastructure, caches and databases seamlessly even during individual node failures of any one subsystem. When an active node fails, a new one is instantiated and placed back

Software Collections and the Developer Community

Software Collections and the Developer Community

Background Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 was recently released and with it, comes a different message to developers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS. Unless you need 10 years of support for your application stack (MySQL, PHP, Ruby, Rails), use Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL). RHSCL provides developers with the latest version of tools

Marketing Small OpenSource Projects: Packaging

Background Packaging is one of those nagging problems that has buggered me for years. When do you create your own RPM or DEB package? Of course the answer is, it depends. I have found two distinct use cases which have Basics I don’t think the use cases for this tool have been identified in this

A Practical Introduction to the Docker Registry Server

Background One of the key advantages of using Docker is it’s centralized image management server, called a Registry Server. The Docker project, as well as Red Hat, maintain public registry servers which host supported images. The Docker project also provides an Open Source version of the Registry server which can be deployed on premise in

Springpad Shutting Down

It is a sad day for me because Springpad has been a great tool: A couple of years back, I compared Springpad with Evernote. Since then, Evernote has improved greatly, and that is where I will be going now. Good by SpringPad!!!!

Deep Dive: Rebasing vs. Backporting

Background Impetus Recently, I saw a discussion was started, asking about the importance of the operating system on the LinkedIn OpenStack group: Ubuntu can overtake Red Hat in private clouds because the OS doesn’t really matter I found the conversation wildly interesting because several people expressed reasons for why they think the operating system does