RHEL, Glusterfs, and the FUSE Client

This presentation overviews RHEL, Glusterfs, and the FUSE client. It was created for the Akron Linux User Group in May. There was a quick presentation followed by a demonstration using four virtual machines running RHEL 6.2. Three of the virtual machines were used as a Glusterfs storage pool using the open source RPMs. The fourth virtual machine was used to mount the storage pool using the FUSE client. I demonstrated the resilience of Glusterfs by pausing one of the Glusterfs storage pool nodes while the client was still connected. Since a distributed/replicated Glusterfs volume was used, the client paused for a short amount of time, then showed a listing of a directory with 1000 files in it. This was all done while the mount command on the client node showed the paused Glusterfs node being mounted, magical…