This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
TechZone 2019: La Paz, Bolivia: El Avance de la Tecnología de Contenedores en Linux

This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
Esta presentacion fue presentado en CampusLink 2.0. Fue la primera vez que yo he hablado profesionalmente en Español. Disfruté esta experiencia demasiado y espero tener la oportunidad hacerlo de nueva en años futuros.
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