Linux Container Crisis Tools

Linux Container Crisis Tools

I want to highlight a great post by Brendan Gregg: Linux Crisis Tools. He does a walk through of a scenario that strikes me as very realistic, and brings back memories from my 15 years managing Linux servers. You can tell he has real-world sysadmin experience. I think that’s key for being a good thought

Red Hat Universal Base Image and Licensing

The Red Hat Universal Base Image has generated a tremendous amount of buzz, which is great. This also means, I get a ton of questions about it. One of the most popular area of questions is around licensing. If you have licensing questions this blog might help you frame your questions better, but I always

Kubernetes is a 10 Ton Dump Truck That Handles Pretty Well at 200 MPH

Kubernetes is a 10 Ton Dump Truck That Handles Pretty Well at 200 MPH

Recently, I read another article that critiqued Kubernetes as having a steep learning curve. At conferences, I also hear a lot of people in the Kubernetes community talk about how we need to make it more easy to onboard people. While I think it’s a noble goal to make Kubernetes more usable, I don’t think

Software Collections and the Developer Community

Software Collections and the Developer Community

Background Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 was recently released and with it, comes a different message to developers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS. Unless you need 10 years of support for your application stack (MySQL, PHP, Ruby, Rails), use Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL). RHSCL provides developers with the latest version of tools

Michigan Red Hat Enterprise User Group (May 8th)

Are you a programmer, architect, or systems administrator that leverages Open Source, Red Hat technology in a business critical environment? Do you wish that you could go to Red Hat Summit, but can’t find budget for travel? Then, this local user group is for you.

PyOhio 2013: Regional Python Conference (July 27th-28th)

PyOhio 2013 is coming up and it’s completely free and in the spirit of Python. I have went to three PyOhio conferences and PyOhio 2013 will be great. It will be at the third floor of the Ohio Union in Columbus. Registration starts at 8:30AM. Open Spaces Lightning Talks Sprints PyCamp Young Coders For those

Learning Django with OpenShift

Background The goal of this article is use the OpenShift Platform as a Service (PaaS) as a learning platform for Django. Most of the technical articles out there about running Django on OpenShift assume the user already understands how to administer Django environments and projects. This article is written from the perspective of someone who

Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Release Speed

Background Recently, I came across an article entitled: 5 Reasons Not to Use CentOS. While I actually disagree with all five points from a technical debate standpoint, I think this article is really the result of a few pain points that some developers express when talking about enterprise editions of Linux. Working as a technology