Part 1: Asking Other Teams to Do Something Really Hard

Part 1: Asking Other Teams to Do Something Really Hard

Background There’s a common move with software teams; one team will ask another team to do something really hard so that the first team can do something really easy. Most of the time, we don’t even mean to do it. But, it causes a lot of stress and wastes a lot of time. It reminds

Linux Container Crisis Tools

Linux Container Crisis Tools

I want to highlight a great post by Brendan Gregg: Linux Crisis Tools. He does a walk through of a scenario that strikes me as very realistic, and brings back memories from my 15 years managing Linux servers. You can tell he has real-world sysadmin experience. I think that’s key for being a good thought

Upgrading from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4 with Red Hat Universal Base Image

Today, I noticed that the WordPress Admin Console was complaining that I was using PHP 7.2 which is getting old. I was kind of dreading upgrading because upgrades are a nightmare, but then I realized I had put everything in containers. One of the things that makes containers awesome is how easy it is to