A Hacker’s Guide to Moving Linux Services into Containers

Background For years, I floundered around with moving my own blog, ticket system and wiki into containers. Literally, ticket #627: Migrate Crunchtools to Containers has been open in Request Tracker since March 11th, 2017. It’s embarrassing to admit given how deeply I have been involved with containers at Red Hat. Since the early days of

Red Hat Summit 2020: Virtual: Summit 2020 – Finding, running, building, sharing, and deploying containers

Red Hat Summit 2020: Virtual: Summit 2020 – Finding, running, building, sharing, and deploying containers

This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.

FOSDEM 2020: Brussels: Do Linux Distributions Still Matter with Containers?

FOSDEM 2020: Brussels: Do Linux Distributions Still Matter with Containers?

This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.

DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Finding, Building, Sharing & Deploying Containers

DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Finding, Building, Sharing & Deploying Containers

This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.

DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Understanding Container Engines by Demo™

DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Understanding Container Engines by Demo™

This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.