A Practical Introduction to Docker Containers

Background Why Docker has quite an amount of buzz around it today because it makes so many things easy that were difficult with virtual machines. Docker containers makes it easy for Developers, Systems Administrators, Architects, Consultants and others to quickly test a piece of software in a container; much quicker than a virtual machine, and

Michigan Red Hat Enterprise User Group (May 8th)

Are you a programmer, architect, or systems administrator that leverages Open Source, Red Hat technology in a business critical environment? Do you wish that you could go to Red Hat Summit, but can’t find budget for travel? Then, this local user group is for you.

Red Hat Summit 2013 (April 14th-17th)

Background The Red Hat Summit is the premier open source technology event to showcase the latest and greatest in cloud computing, platform, virtualization, middleware, storage, and systems management technologies. Next year, it will be in San Francisco.   Events Red Hat Summit  

Red Hat Summit, JUDCon, Camel One 2013 (June 10th-14th)

Background The Red Hat Summit is the premier open source technology event to showcase the latest and greatest in cloud computing, platform, virtualization, middleware, storage, and systems management technologies. This year, Red Hat Summit, Camel One, and JUDCon were all located back to back at the Hynes Convention Center. It was a great event. I