I wrote an article that explains why community-driven open source is especially important with AI: https://www.infoworld.com/article/2337481/kubernetes-shows-the-way-forward-for-ai.html
Tag: Community
Part 1: Asking Other Teams to Do Something Really Hard

Background There’s a common move with software teams; one team will ask another team to do something really hard so that the first team can do something really easy. Most of the time, we don’t even mean to do it. But, it causes a lot of stress and wastes a lot of time. It reminds
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Developing a Healthy Community in CentOS Stream

A little less than three years ago, Red Hat shifted focus in the CentOS project, from the downstream rebuild to the upstream called CentOS Stream. I wrote a heartfelt response to try and explain it better: Before You Get Mad About The CentOS Stream Change, Think About… That article seemed to help dispel some of
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The State of Enterprise Linux in 2022

Background Recently, the Enterprise Linux (EL) supply chain has been pretty interesting. The announcement of CentOS Stream as an upstream for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in late 2020, the announcements of Alma Linux and Rocky Linux as downstream rebuilds, and the announcement of AWS Linux 2022 being built as a downstream of Fedora are
Part II: Why Is There No Docker in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8?

In Part I: Is Docker Supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8? I explained that the the Docker daemon will not be supported in new Red Hat products, but that Docker images will be. The next question people always ask me is, “Why? I thought you guys love Docker? I’m confused.” There are many reasons
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Part I: Is Docker Supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8?

TL;DR: Docker container images are supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8, but the Docker daemon and client are not. Instead, containers will be run with CRI-O in OpenShift 4, and Podman in RHEL 8 – the same images can be used anywhere because of container standards. Cool, if that’s enough information for you and
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The Open Containers Initiative: Software Containers vs. Shipping Containers

Like in the physical world of shipping containers, the OCI container image and runtime formats are critical because they allow for infrastructure and investment to happen among a bunch competing and collaborating entities. Vendors can invest in building an ecosystem of tools, orchestrators, registry servers, etc. Users can extract value from the ecosystem, move containers where
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KubeCon (November 9th-11th)

Hey all, come join Red Hat and Kismatic at the first community driven, technical event dedicated entirely to Kubernetes.
DockerCon (June 22-23)

Red Hat Summit and DevNation are next week.
ContainerCon 2015 (August 17-19)

The Linux Foundation has launched ContainerCon to bring together leading contributors in Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education.