Podman and CRI-O in RHEL 8 and OpenShift 4

What This is a quick article to pull together the entire picture of Podman and CRI-O with the releases of RHEL 8 and OpenShift Container Platform 4. In a nutshell, you get Podman with RHEL in a single node use case (orchestrate yourself) and CRI-O as part of the highly automated OpenShift 4 software stack.

Red Hat Universal Base Image and Licensing

The Red Hat Universal Base Image has generated a tremendous amount of buzz, which is great. This also means, I get a ton of questions about it. One of the most popular area of questions is around licensing. If you have licensing questions this blog might help you frame your questions better, but I always

Red Hat Summit 2019 Follow Up

If you attended a session of ours at Red Hat Summit, thank you for spending some time with us! As a follow up, I wanted to give a brief write up on the sessions, as well as share the labs and presentations. Thanks to Dan Walsh, Ben Breard, Jamie Duncan, John Osbourn, and Rodrigo Freire

Why I Believe in Tools Like Kubernetes and Podman So Strongly

Why I Believe in Tools Like Kubernetes and Podman So Strongly

History Lesson on PaaS People often rewrite history in their minds. They see the way the landscape looks today, forget the chronological order of events, and reconstruct a false model of cause and effect. I am guilty of doing this from time to time. One such history is that of PaaS. The year was 2012,

Part II: Why Is There No Docker in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8?

Part II: Why Is There No Docker in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8?

In Part I: Is Docker Supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8? I explained that the the Docker daemon will not be supported in new Red Hat products, but that Docker images will be. The next question people always ask me is, “Why? I thought you guys love Docker? I’m confused.” There are many reasons

Part I: Is Docker Supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8?

Part I: Is Docker Supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8?

TL;DR: Docker container images are supported in OpenShift 4 and RHEL 8, but the Docker daemon and client are not. Instead, containers will be run with CRI-O in OpenShift 4, and Podman in RHEL 8 – the same images can be used anywhere because of container standards. Cool, if that’s enough information for you and

Red Hat Summit 2019: Boston: Choosing the right container base image for your application

Red Hat Summit 2019: Boston: Choosing the right container base image for your application

This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.

There Are Two Bets Being Placed – Kubernetes vs. Other Schedulers (Nomad, Mesos, others)

There Are Two Bets Being Placed – Kubernetes vs. Other Schedulers (Nomad, Mesos, others)

Background Are you both impressed with and intimidated by Kubernetes? It’s understandable. Kubernetes is moving fast, it’s super powerful, sophisticated, has a large upstream community, and tons of vendor interest, a huge user base, and is moving at the speed of light. This can make it intimidating. In short, it looks a lot like Linux

Testing With Podman – Complete Uninstall/Reinstall

Testing With Podman – Complete Uninstall/Reinstall

Background Sometimes it’s necessary to uninstall completely, and reinstall when testing software. This is something I have been doing with podman on RHEL 7.6 since about 6AM today 🙂 I figured it was worth capturing the instructions I have developed while testing user namespaces and rootless containers. This could make your life easier too. Complete

A Concise Introduction to DevSecOps

Why Should I Care About DevSecOps? Are you a frustrated security professional, trying to get your organization to change (aren’t we all)? Or perhaps, you are trying to get management to value security more? Or maybe, you are a security conscious Developer (wait, do those actually exist? Yes, yes, they do) or Sysadmin who knows