Everything You Need to Know About Moving from Docker in RHEL 7 to Podman in RHEL 8

Everything You Need to Know About Moving from Docker in RHEL 7 to Podman in RHEL 8

This is a links article that I plan on keeping up to date over time. This should be a one stop shop for understanding how to use it. What/Why RHEL 8 enables containers with the tools of software craftsmanship – Dan Walsh & Scott McCarty Why Red Hat is investing in CRI-O and Podman –

Before You Get Mad About The CentOS Stream Change, Think About…

Before You Get Mad About The CentOS Stream Change, Think About…

Update January 3rd, 2022: Please see: The State of Enterprise Linux in 2022   Change is hard. Explaining that change in a way that makes sense is hard. Not getting frustrated when someone is explaining change to you, or while explaining it is hard. We are all human, so please be patient. But, before you

​The Delicate Art of Product Management with Open Source

​The Delicate Art of Product Management with Open Source

Is open source a development model which emphasizes collaboration, the decentralized nature in which code is written, and the licenses under which that code is released? Or, is open source a business model focused on monetization through support, services, software-as-a-service, paid features, or even inexpensive marketing or advertising? I’d argue it’s neither! Instead of thinking

Analysis of Competition is for Losers (Peter Thiel)

Analysis of Competition is for Losers (Peter Thiel)

I don’t always agree with Peter Thiel. In fact, I often disagree with him but I do find that his thoughts and ideas provoke me to think deeply. Disagreements force me to chip away at what I believe and forge it into something ever more crisp and clean. This blog entry is a short analysis

Testing The Latest Container Tools on RHEL8

Testing The Latest Container Tools on RHEL8

Alternate Titles #1: Testing The Latest Container Tools (Podman, Buildah, Skopeo, CRIU, Udica) on RHEL8 #2: Testing The Latest Podman on RHEL8 #3: Testing The Latest Container Tools on CentOS Stream 8 Background If you want to test the latest version of the Container Tools module on RHEL8, you’re in the right place. I’m going

How to Install Docker-CE on RHEL 8

Background If you’ve searched google to figure out how to install Docker-CE on RHEL 8, you may have been led to this very popular article: LinuxConfig.org: How to Install Docker on RHEL 8. If you’d read closely, you might have read a false statement which says, “What version to install? Well, Red Hat seems to

A First Look at The Podman 2.0 API

A First Look at The Podman 2.0 API

Most days, I don’t have any good ideas. I only have bad ideas. But, I’ve become pretty good at stack ranking my bad ideas into good, better, and best. In this article, I’m going to run through a bunch of the best bad ideas that I had using the new Podman 2.0 REST API. I’ve

A Comparison of Linux Container Images

A Comparison of Linux Container Images

  Updated 06/02/2020 Understanding Container Images To fully understand how to compare container base images, we must understand the bits inside of them. There are two major parts of an operating system – the kernel and the user space. The kernel is a special program executed directly on the hardware or virtual machine – it

A Hacker’s Guide to Moving Linux Services into Containers

Background For years, I floundered around with moving my own blog, ticket system and wiki into containers. Literally, ticket #627: Migrate Crunchtools to Containers has been open in Request Tracker since March 11th, 2017. It’s embarrassing to admit given how deeply I have been involved with containers at Red Hat. Since the early days of

Deeply Understanding the Different Between Portability, Compatibility, and Supportability

Let’s dig into these three concepts a bit deeper: Portability Since the OCI standard governs the images specification, a container image can be created with Podman, pushed to almost any container registry, shared with the world, and consumed by almost any container engine including Docker, RKT, CRI-O, containerd and, of course, other Podman instances. Standardizing