Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) & Identity, Policy, Audit (IPA)

Background In my ever evolving lab, it came time to integrate Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEV) with Identity, Policy, Audit (IPA).There were a few caveats and searching Google didn’t help, so hopefully this article can save you some time. Integrating the two was fairly straitforward. The biggest challenge was finding a quick and easy way

RHEL6 and Cisco WRVS4400N Networking

Background This weekend I decided to upgrade my home network with a Cisco WRVS4400N wireless router. Like a typical router it can provide standard wireless services WPA2, DHCP, etc, but the this model also provides support for four distinct VLANs and four distinct SSIDs. This has allowed me to create separate networks for work, play,

OpenSSL Certificate Authority

Background Recently, I discovered how to use the openssl provided CA script to create a certificate authority and self signed certificates. Traditionally, I had ran all fo the commands manually. When using the CA script it is critical to understand the underlying security concepts. Certificate Authority Openssl has infrstructure to create a long lived Certificate

Evernote vs. SpringPad

Background I have finally started working on upgrading my very complicated system which combines an online Pomodoro Timer, a Pomodoro Spreadsheet, MediaWiki, Request Tracker, Zimbra Notes, Google Tasks, Zimbra Calendar, and Google Calendar. I am finally combining Google Tasks, Zimbra Tasks and part of the Pomodoro Spreadsheet into SpringPad. Everyone has heard of Evernote, so