Containers Don’t Run on Docker

Containers Don’t Run on Docker

Background I’m here to tell you that somebody on the Internet is wrong! Actually, many people. If you have ever consulted Google for the words “Docker Architecture” you may have found a drawing that implies that Docker is some sort of blue box which sits on top of an operating system and runs containers. That

Hacker’s Guide to Installing OpenShift Container Platform 3.9

Hacker’s Guide to Installing OpenShift Container Platform 3.9

  Background My problem, like most technologists, is that I only have a slice of my time to dedicate toward acquiring and maintaining knowledge about any given technology, product, project, tool, platform, etc. Split that with the fact that almost every CIO is preaching that we, as technologists, need to be closer to the business,

On Unikernels – Which is Heavier – VMs or OSes?

On Unikernels – Which is Heavier – VMs or OSes?

Many times, new technologies seem deceptively simple – but I have never found them to actually be simpler. I have always loved the deep technical underpinnings of computing and that’s why I often write about how things like Containers, Unikernels, and Serverless work under the covers. Recently, I was at DevConf in Brno, CZ and

Kubernetes is a 10 Ton Dump Truck That Handles Pretty Well at 200 MPH

Kubernetes is a 10 Ton Dump Truck That Handles Pretty Well at 200 MPH

Recently, I read another article that critiqued Kubernetes as having a steep learning curve. At conferences, I also hear a lot of people in the Kubernetes community talk about how we need to make it more easy to onboard people. While I think it’s a noble goal to make Kubernetes more usable, I don’t think

Open Source Summit Prague: Developer Tools for Kubernetes

This is a live blog of this talk by the Azure Containers team. Michelle Noorali, leads SIG-Apps. Matt Butcher wrote the Children’s Guide for Kubernetes. They mention that they are going to talk about long running applications/services and short running batch jobs. Michelle started to talk about Kubernetes primatives for long running processes. She talked

Open Source Summit Prague: What’s New in Kubernetes 1.8

This session is by Igor Dvoretsky, Developer Advocate for the CNCF. I figured people are always interested in what’s new in the hottest project on GitHub, so I decided to attend this session. I decided to give live blogging a try 🙂 Igor first mentioned that he is a member of the release team for

Getting Ninja with Runc

Getting Ninja with Runc

Background Have you ever tried to get runc to work? Did you have that WTF moment where you were like, this is weird, and annoying, and why do I even need to know this? When, I use docker, everything just works. Well, I am here to help. Why might you want to get ninja with

How to Buy a Used Linux Container

How to Buy a Used Linux Container

How do you buy a used Linux container? A quick search of “how to buy a shipping container” will turn up a wealth of information, especially how to evaluate used ones. While all analogies are imperfect, this one is pretty good and it does highlight an interesting problem – basically, any Linux container image over

Container Portability: Part 3

Container Portability: Part 3

The Paths Forward In Container Portability: Part2: Code Portability Today, we discussed how there are no regression tests, there is no complete interface standard, there is definitely pain ahead if we think we can use today’s container images (level 3B) on tomorrow’s container hosts (level 3A), 10 years from now. So, what’s the solution? With

The Open Containers Initiative: Software Containers vs. Shipping Containers

The Open Containers Initiative: Software Containers vs. Shipping Containers

Like in the physical world of shipping containers, the OCI container image and runtime formats are critical because they allow for infrastructure and investment to happen among a bunch competing and collaborating entities. Vendors can invest in building an ecosystem of tools, orchestrators, registry servers, etc. Users can extract value from the ecosystem, move containers where