Updated 06/02/2020 Understanding Container Images To fully understand how to compare container base images, we must understand the bits inside of them. There are two major parts of an operating system – the kernel and the user space. The kernel is a special program executed directly on the hardware or virtual machine – it
Security Symposium 2020: Virtual: Live Panel: Containers and Kubernetes Security
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
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Security Symposium 2020: Virtual: The Security Implications of Running Software in Containers
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
A Hacker’s Guide to Moving Linux Services into Containers
Background For years, I floundered around with moving my own blog, ticket system and wiki into containers. Literally, ticket #627: Migrate Crunchtools to Containers has been open in Request Tracker since March 11th, 2017. It’s embarrassing to admit given how deeply I have been involved with containers at Red Hat. Since the early days of
Continue Reading “A Hacker’s Guide to Moving Linux Services into Containers”
Red Hat Summit 2020: Virtual: Summit 2020 – Finding, running, building, sharing, and deploying containers
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
FOSDEM 2020: Brussels: Do Linux Distributions Still Matter with Containers?
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
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DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Finding, Building, Sharing & Deploying Containers
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
Continue Reading “DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Finding, Building, Sharing & Deploying Containers”
DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Understanding Container Engines by Demo™
This presentation is a 16 slide introduction to what must be thought about when building a production cloud. Proper image management is critical engineering task.
Continue Reading “DevConf.cz 2020: Brno: Understanding Container Engines by Demo™”
Deeply Understanding the Different Between Portability, Compatibility, and Supportability
Let’s dig into these three concepts a bit deeper: Portability Since the OCI standard governs the images specification, a container image can be created with Podman, pushed to almost any container registry, shared with the world, and consumed by almost any container engine including Docker, RKT, CRI-O, containerd and, of course, other Podman instances. Standardizing
Architecting Containers Part 1: Why Understanding User Space vs. Kernel Space Matters
Perhaps you’ve been charged with developing a container-based application infrastructure? If so, you most likely understand the value that containers can provide to your developers, architects, and operations team. In fact, you’ve likely been reading up on containers and are excited about exploring the technology in more detail. However, before diving head-first into a discussion