RHEL, Glusterfs, and the FUSE Client

This presentation overviews RHEL, Glusterfs, and the FUSE client. It was created for the Akron Linux User Group in May. There was a quick presentation followed by a demonstration using four virtual machines running RHEL 6.2. Three of the virtual machines were used as a Glusterfs storage pool using the open source RPMs. The fourth virtual machine was used to mount the storage pool using the FUSE client. I demonstrated the resilience of Glusterfs by pausing one of the Glusterfs storage pool nodes while the client was still connected. Since a distributed/replicated Glusterfs volume was used, the client paused for a short amount of time, then showed a listing of a directory with 1000 files in it. This was all done while the mount command on the client node showed the paused Glusterfs node being mounted, magical…

Designing a Robust Monitoring System

Reading Ted Dziuba’s article Monitoring Theory article, I was reminded of several conventions that I have developed over the years to help with monitoring servers, network devices, software services, batch processes, etc. First, break down your data points into levels so that you can decide how to route them. Second avoid interrupt driven technology like email, it lowers your productivity and prohibits good analysis techniques.